Let's Have Some Fun!

Pick the button which contains the first letter of the word of the right answer.If you choose right, you advance.
If you choose wrong, you start over from here...


Let's continue shall we?

Pick the first letter of the correct word

I'm sometimes found in a pot but I'm not stew
I can be a bar but Im not soap
I've been known to cause a rush but Im not a Black Friday sale
Im a type of metal but Im not tin
I can be a medal but Im not silver


Looks like you've got this...

Pick the first letter of the correct word

I can help you clean your shirt, I can fall and not get hurt. Look for me to beat the heat, up can run without my feet riddle


Doing Pretty Good Huh?

Pick the first letter of the correct word

There are four in a deck of cards
And it is a size of bed
In countries with a monarchy
This is the female head

Pick the first letter of the correct word

I can help you clean your shirt, I can fall and not get hurt. Look for me to beat the heat, up can run without my feet riddle

Pick the first letter of the correct word

There are four in a deck of cards
And it is a size of bed
In countries with a monarchy
This is the female head

Pick the first letter of the correct word

I can help you clean your shirt, I can fall and not get hurt. Look for me to beat the heat, up can run without my feet riddle

Pick the first letter of the correct word

There are four in a deck of cards
And it is a size of bed
In countries with a monarchy
This is the female head

Pick the first letter of the correct word

I can help you clean your shirt, I can fall and not get hurt. Look for me to beat the heat, up can run without my feet riddle

Pick the first letter of the correct word

I'm sometimes found in a pot but I'm not stew
I can be a bar but Im not soap
I've been known to cause a rush but Im not a Black Friday sale
Im a type of metal but Im not tin
I can be a medal but Im not silver
What starts with 'e", ends with "e" and has one letter in it?I come as a pair but Im not jeans
I have several digits but Im not a cellphone
I have an arch but Im not a bridge
I have nails but I dont have a hammer
Im part of the body but Im not a hand
You are in a game of Russian Roulette with a revolver that has 3 bullets placed in three consecutive chambers. The cylinder of the gun will be spun once at the beginning of the game. Then, the gun will be passed between two players until it fires. Would you prefer to go first or second?
Label the chambers 1 through 6. Chambers 1 through 3 have bullets and chambers 4 through 6 are empty. After you spin the cylinder there are six possible outcomes:
1. Chamber 1 is fired first: Player 1 loses
2. Chamber 2 is fired first: Player 1 loses
3. Chamber 3 is fired first: Player 1 loses
4. Chamber 4 is fired first: Player 2 loses (First shot, player 1, chamber 4 empty. Second shot player 2, chamber 5, empty. Third shot player 1, chamber 6 empty. Fourth shot player 2, chamber 1 not empty.)
5. Chamber 5 is fired first: Player 1 loses (First shot, player 1, chamber 5 empty. Second shot player 2, chamber 6, empty. Third shot player 1, chamber 1 not empty.)
6. Chamber 6 is fired first: Player 2 loses (First shot, player 1, chamber 6 empty. Second shot, player 2, chamber 1, not empty)
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Read more: https://www.riddlesandanswers.com/tag/top-100-riddles/#ixzz6oJBi7vvV
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Read more: https://www.riddlesandanswers.com/tag/top-100-riddles/#ixzz6oJAgsf6E

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